Global VolunteerMonth Campaign
Branding, Design System
Morgan Stanley engaged their 60,000+ employees in a grassroots effort to proactively address local challenges and build stronger, morevibrant communities.
Associate Creative Director
Brand Strategy
Our Approach
Global Volunteer month is a fun and festive program that employees look forward to and allows them to engage in a meaningful way in their community and with their peers. I lead the design team in the creation of multiple campaign options that employees at the firm could vote their favorite. This was the winning design.
After the design approach was approved and vetted through senior leadership at the firm, we kicked off with the Feeding Kids Around the Clock Time Square Takeover which included digital signage and fun props used for social media photos.This was followed by launch day communications, including posters,emails and t-shirts.

86% of employees across
36 countries participated in volunteer
projects focused on creating and supporting healthy communities.
Together, we provided more than
volunteer hours to our local communities
around the world.